Difficulties in removing bioceramic cement during endodontic retreatment

Literature Review

  • Radysson Rodrigues De Souza Faculdade CATHEDRAL
  • Chelda Santos Silva Faculdade CATHEDRAL
  • Marcos Botelho Salomão
  • Sayasy De Sousa Lima


In the endodontic treatment, each step performed must be well planned so that there is success from the coronary opening to the definitive sealing. The filling, being one of these steps and well done, corroborates the success of the treatment, so one of the factors that must be taken into account is the choice of the filling endodontic cement, which, in turn, needs to meet the biological requirements necessary for its proper use. Currently, the bioceramic endodontic cement is being widely used for being able to act in the repair of root tissues, due to its biocompatibility properties, osteogenic capacity, hydroxyapatite formation and capacity to penetrate the spaces between gutta-percha and the canal walls. Its actions achieve similarity with the biological system, as it acts significantly in the dissolution and absorption of an inflammatory process. However, in cases of need for endodontic retreatment, there is a big caveat regarding the remnants present in the conduits filled with bioceramic cement, its great adhesion capacity on the canal walls indicates difficulties in complete removal, a factor that must be considered when it is chosen for filling. This literature review used 28 articles, researched on the Scielo, Brazilian Journal of Dentistry, Public Medline, Academic Google and Pubmed platforms, with the objective of evaluating the favorable or unfavorable conditions at the time of deobturation and removal of the bioceramic cement, evaluating its ability to influence the quality of retreatment.


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How to Cite
De Souza, R., Silva, C., Salomão, M., & Lima, S. (2021). Difficulties in removing bioceramic cement during endodontic retreatment. Revista Cathedral, 3(3), 28-36. Retrieved from http://cathedral.ojs.galoa.com.br/index.php/cathedral/article/view/336

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